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The general administration of customs announcement no. 52, 2

To facilitate our country has signed the preferential trade arrangements in the implementation of the "direct transport" clause, now via Hong Kong or macau cargo documents submitted under the fta issues announcement is as follows:

1, October 1, 2016, China inspection (Hong Kong) co., LTD. (hereinafter referred to as the "company" in the check) will enable "under a free trade agreement issued by the Hong Kong transit management system of transit goods country of origin confirmation subsystem" issued by the transfer confirmation, and terminate on the certificate of origin not reprocessing chop operation mode. After Hong Kong customs has issued by the transfer confirmation using the system. The transfer confirmation has been used to prove relevant goods in Hong Kong during processing.

2, October 1, 2016, Macao customs will enable "under a free trade agreement by the macau transfer confirmation issued subsystem of origin of goods management system" issued by the transfer confirmation. "The transfer confirmation" has been used to prove relevant goods in macau during processing.

3, companies in the check, the customs general administration of customs and Hong Kong, and Macao customs to realize the system networking, real-time data information sharing.

4, import content consignee or its agent (hereinafter generally referred to as the "import") to declare the applicable tax rate or the preferential tariff agreement submitted to one of following shipping documents to the customs, the customs will no longer be required to submit the transfer confirmation:

(1) import goods by air or by sea, international liner shipping operator and the entrusted agent, civil aviation transport enterprise engaged in international express business, enterprise issued by a single copy of shipping documents. The shipping documents shall be stipulated on the same page starting to import goods within the territory of country of origin (region), and destination for mainland China; Originating in the inland country (region) for importation of goods by sea, provenance is the provenance of shipping.

(2) the implemented electronic data interchange (edi) of origin of the free trade agreement (e.g., the cross-strait economic cooperation framework agreement, the law of the People's Republic of China government and government of the republic of Korea free trade agreement, etc.) under a container transport of goods, can also be submitted to prove that the goods in transit container, seals number has not changed the entire transport documents.

5, article 4 of this announcement, importer shall submit the transfer confirmation according to the following provisions:

(1) through Hong Kong transit needs to carry on the preliminary inspection of the goods (including container and bulk cargo), shall be submitted to the transfer confirmation issued by the company in the check.

(2) during transshipment in Hong Kong not with initial inspection unpacking of container transport of goods, and do not need to bulk cargo, in the process of the inspection shall be submitted to the transfer confirmation issued by the Hong Kong customs.

(3) the goods during transshipment in Hong Kong not unpacking the container transport, the customs shall be submitted to Hong Kong or the transfer confirmation issued by the company in the check.

(4) the goods of macau, Macao shall be submitted the transfer confirmation issued by the customs.

6, article 5 of the import people in accordance with the notice to submit to the customs the transfer confirmation, shall, in the declaration in the relevant import declaration form note column fill in the word "transfer confirmation" and "transfer confirmation number (" transfer confirmation of CC / 16/1001", for example).

Import customs have some doubts about the above documents and shall submit relevant materials supplement.

This announcement shall enter into force as of October 1, 2016. The general administration of customs announcement no 60, 2015 shall be repealed simultaneously.

Notice is hereby given that the.


The general administration of customs

On September 20, 2016